Chili Bean Song Parody
The following is a song parody of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean called Chili Bean, written for the second episode of Foodsotros for the KC Universal Network. You can listen to the full song parody here: https://podcasts.kcuniversal.net/foodsotros/episode-002-chili CHILI BEAN by Brooke Trout (dedicated to Sean Dunson) It was more like a soup thing from a cannery […]
Winter – Acoustic Live
Brooke Trout is joined for an acoustic rendition of Winter from the album Bittersweet with Anchormen Richard Marchetta and Dave Strauss at the Santa Monica Bar and Grille.
Foodsotros, Hunnypot and The Joker…
Some of you may remember Brooke Trout was a cohost of Flat Cat Radio. She is happy to announce that she is once again making her foray into the world of podcasting with a food-centric show, Foodsotros, produced by the KC Universal Network for Showsotros.com. Our first episode covers the likes of no less than […]
The Crow, Drop Dead Fred and more reviews…
First and foremost, Happy Holiday Best Wishes from the Trout! This month Brooke has written two more pieces for Hunnypot Radio including reviews of King Henry and Laroussi music videos. Read them here: King Henry’s What About Me: https://www.hunnypotunlimited.com/video-picks/item/2785-king-henry-what-about-me Laroussi’s Lost: https://www.hunnypotunlimited.com/video-picks/item/2802-laroussi-lost Brooke’s true labor of love is her continuing series Movie vs Comic for […]
Music, Comics and Brownies
Well Brooke is hitting the ground running trying to make the best of her new start up in Montana. She just signed the lease on a beautiful two bedroom apartment in Kalispell. Not only does she get to have her own garden plot and a kitty cat, her nurse is also trying to hook her […]
Mahoganygirl Archive
Check out my archive of articles for MahoganyGirl! Movie Reviews as well as food & drink articles at http://mahoganygirl.net/! Here is just a small sample of what you can expect: Drinks: http://mahoganygirl.net/sipneworleans/ Food: http://mahoganygirl.net/food-porn-flow/ Movies: http://mahoganygirl.net/short-sweet-redbox-picks-2/
Bitchin Entertainment Archive
Check out my archive of articles for Bitchin Entertainment! Album Reviews, Live Concert Reviews, Book Reviews and Interviews at www.bitchinentertainment.com/! Here is just a small sample of what you can expect: Album Review Archive: http://www.bitchinentertainment.com/cdreviews/brooke_reviews.html Jesse Cutler Book Review: http://www.bitchinentertainment.com/html_articles/jesse_cutler.html David Knight Interview: http://www.bitchinentertainment.com/html-interviews/david_knight_interview.html
Hunnypot Radio, Showsotros and more…
Thank you to all who came out to help BT celebrate her big 40th b-day at The Mint with Hunnypot Radio! Noble Creatures, Sidney B!, Hot Sauce Holiday and Death By Politics totally killed it! If you missed the chance you can still have a listen of the entire show including Brooke’s interview at: http://www.hunnypotunlimited.com/hunnypotlive/item/2626-hunnypot-live-387-3-19-18 […]
40th B-Day Party!
Save the date to come on out to help Brooke celebrate her big 40th b-day on March 19th at The Mint at 6010 Pico Blvd W, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Hunnypot Radio presents a showcase with Brooke Trout as cohost with a special DJ set and a few of her favorite bands on the line […]
Dia De Los Muertos, Music Connection and Brill Updates
Hello Everyone! Brill has been on something of a live-show hiatus in the interest of penning and producing our follow up album to our debut “Fish Out Of Water.” We are happy to announce that we have nearly fully developed ten new songs which we plan to record and release some time next year. Since […]