• 10 Year Anniversary – Brill – Fish Out Of Water

    It’s hard to believe it has already been ten years since the release of Brill’s album Fish Out Of Water. Brill is an indie-alt-acoustic duet with Flat Cat Radio hosts and singer/songwriters Dave Strauss and Brooke Trout. The group released their debut album Fish Out Of Water on CDBaby as well as on iTunes. The […]

  • Holiday Stroll & Christmas Wrap

    Season’s Greetings My Friends! I have a lot of fun musical things to share for the month of December! I will be performing as a singing Christmas elf both with and without Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus! Some of you may remember that I was a singing Christmas elf for Santa previously. It has been […]

  • KC Universal Presents Cash Life

    I’m excited to share my latest personal finance article for KCUniversal.net! It marks the first in a continuing personal finance series called Cash Life. My article is called Food For Thought…ful Spending and explores the connections between minimalism, healthy eating and frugality. You can find the article at the following link: https://kcuniversal.net/cash-life/posts/food-for-thought-ful-spending#google_vignette So far, I […]

  • Kalispell Parkline Celebration

    Thank you to all who came out to celebrate the grand opening of the linear park and trail in Kalispell! I was so honored to get to be a part of this historic event thanks to Kalico Art Center and The Chamber of Commerce. For those of you who were unable to make it I […]

  • Kalico Speckled Trout

    Over the last five months I have been volunteering for the community art center nonprofit Kalico located on the beautiful downtown Main Street in Kalispell, Montana. As both a volunteer and member I have truly enjoyed the wide variety of arts that this center offers to the community at large. It has truly opened my […]

  • 20 in 2020

    Happy New Year Everyone! 2020 marks a very special milestone for me. I have now been a music journalist officially for 20 years! It all started with a review of a Beck concert. At the time I was working as a production assistant for the news station KCOY in Santa Maria, CA. I went to […]

  • My Two Zines

    Check me out in my twenties in all 100 issues of my zine Hooked here: https://retrohooked.tumblr.com/ And check out the zine that started it all, Different – Your Alternative Newspaper here: http://brooketrout.com/2014/04/free-e-book-d/ It will take a few minutes for you to download this free E-book as it is a 169 page volume but I hope […]

  • Networth Anniversary and Dishing on Eggs

    Its the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Its the third episode of Foodsotros where hosts Brooke Trout and Kris Caballero discuss all things eggs. Produced by the KC Universal Network for Showsotros.com. You can listen to the whole third episode here: https://podcasts.kcuniversal.net/foodsotros/episode-003-eggs Thank you to all of you who are “tuning in” and listening […]

  • Chili Beans, Supermen and Fashion Slayers

    Its the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Its the second episode of Foodsotros where hosts Brooke Trout and Kris Caballero discuss all things chili. Produced by the KC Universal Network for Showsotros.com. You can listen to the whole second episode here: https://podcasts.kcuniversal.net/foodsotros/episode-002-chili If you liked the show why not try out the recipe? Here […]

  • Music Connection Archive

    Check out my archive of articles for Music Connection Magazine! Live Concert Reviews: https://www.musicconnection.com/author/brooke-trout/
