• Chili Beans, Supermen and Fashion Slayers

    Posted in Blog by Brooke Trout

    Its the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Its the second episode of Foodsotros where hosts Brooke Trout and Kris Caballero discuss all things chili. Produced by the KC Universal Network for Showsotros.com. You can listen to the whole second episode here: https://podcasts.kcuniversal.net/foodsotros/episode-002-chili

    If you liked the show why not try out the recipe? Here is a link to creamy white bean and apple chili from Brooke’s favorite crock pot cooking website: https://www.ayearofslowcooking.com/2008/09/creamy-white-bean-and-apple-chili.html

    Want to sing along? Check out the lyrics to Brooke’s song parody here: http://brooketrout.com/2019/05/chili-bean-song-parody/

    Thank you to all of you who are “tuning in” and listening to the show! We appreciate all of your comments and support:

    “Funny! Great stuff.” -Cliff, California

    “I loved the show! Your song ‘Chili Jean’ was definitely my favorite part – it was really good!” -Natalie, West Virginia

    “I love the chili talk! Fun!” -Alec, Iowa

    “Loved the song! It keeps going through my head. LOL! You should do a song for every episode!” -Jack, Arizona

    “You are so funny! Love the podcast!” -Doug, Washington

    “I listened to your podcast after several days of eating chili. I wish I had listened to it before for some different ideas!” -Tammy, California

    “Love the podcast and the Chili Jean King pictures!” -Ryan, Michigan

    “I love Stagg chili too! And I loved your enthusiasm when you talked about Tommy’s!” -Tim, Tennessee

    “OMG just listened to your podcast! I was cracking up laughing while driving as you sang Chili Jean! Loved it! PS: I love chunky chili too!” -Matthew, Texas

    “Your podcast was great! Anytime I make chili I also make pasta and mix the two together for the kids. We call it ski bum chili.” -Melissa, Montana

    And a very special thank you to Women’s Radio for helping spread the word about our show in their newsletter The Female Musicians Daily!

    Recently Brooke has written two new music video reviews for Hunnypot Radio. Check out “Fashion Slayer,” one of the funkiest, freshest tracks Brooke has heard in the last full calendar year. See also a special announcement of Lupa’s latest track “Life”:

    Where to read:
    Heritage’s “Fashion Slayer:” https://www.hunnypotunlimited.com/video-picks/item/2881-he-itage-fashion-slayer
    Lupa’s Life: https://www.hunnypotunlimited.com/video-picks/item/2936-lupa-live-official-video

    Brooke’s true labor of love is her continuing series Movie vs Comic for Showsotros.com. This month’s edition is all about “All Star Superman”!

    Where to read:
    All-Star Superman Review: https://comicbooksotros.showsotros.com/talk-about-comics/movie-vs-comic-all-star-superman

    Brooke is an official part of The Soupy Gato Family so wants to spread the word that if you are a band that fits any of the following requirements: Liechtenstein Traditional of any country Folk Pagan Metal Meditate cool-crazy-weird (just have good sound) Make submissions to: For Mp3’s : soupygato [at] gmail [dot] com For CD’s send via snail mail to: Daniel J Harris Kesselloop 25 4813NS Breda The Netherlands

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